Some Ideas for Christmas:
Buying some raffle tickets (to help fund YSO)
Donations to the TOR project or the Linux Foundation in my name
Some comfy socks (warmer ones if possible)
Some Jeans (size 29x32 WxL)
A new water bottle (that is <= 32oz, but skinny enough to fit in cup holders)
LTT precision screwdriver with bits (You can find here)
Some nice mechanical pens/pencils
Deskpad (e.g. here that size)
Nice Laptop bag (e.g. here)
A few new lids for my water bottle (here)
A decent tablet for drawing, taking notes, and for displaying music (e.g. here)
Books from this book series
Anything you think I would like, and especially random things that are just well designed and functional (e.g. a really nice pen, cool computer mouse, even really nice paper!)